Open-Source Headless eCommerce Platform

Launching with Docker Compose

1. Create an empty folder and put 2 files in it:

(Copy from Gist):

2. Open Command Line Interface in the created folder and run:

docker compose up

3. Now you need to create a store, run the command and follow the instructions:

docker exec -it boundless-admin-1 ./shell.ts selfHosted install

Where boundless-admin-1 is name of the container with Admin service. In some circumstances, your local containers names might differ, in this case execute: docker ps and find name of the Admin service manually:

You can create multiple instances (shops) and switch between them by specifeing INSTANCE_ID variable.

4. If everything goes well, the services are available on the following ports:

  • http://localhost:3000 - Admin panel
  • http://localhost:3001 - Nginx server with Static assets
  • http://localhost:3002 - Service for image resizer
  • http://localhost:3003 - API service

GitHub repositories and Docker images

Using Own API server with templates

Each of our templates has .env.example file. It has commented variablesBOUNDLESS_API_BASE_URL and BOUNDLESS_MEDIA_SERVER (in some templates they called asNEXT_PUBLIC_BOUNDLESS_API_BASE_URL and NEXT_PUBLIC_BOUNDLESS_MEDIA_SERVER).

You need to specify:

  • BOUNDLESS_API_BASE_URL - point to your own API server, e.g.: BOUNDLESS_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3003
  • BOUNDLESS_MEDIA_SERVER - your own Image resizer, e.g.: BOUNDLESS_MEDIA_SERVER=http://localhost:3002

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