Who is Headless eCommerce suitable for?

Hello, In today's video I will try to answer the question - who is suitable for headless eCommerce. I will try to give you a quick overview. Let's waste no more time, let's get to it.

Imagine, you have just started an eCommerce business. In this case probably choosing something like Shopify or any other web builder - will be better - you are just testing the market and you need a quick and cheap solution. Your main concerns on that stage probably are traffic acquisition, assortment of goods and pricing policy.

And let's consider another scenario. You have already an established eCommerce business. You are using self-hosted CMS or something similar to Shopify Plus. And you want more flexibility, you want to stand out or you need custom checkout flow or any other sort of customisations. In this case, the headless approach can be a good choice.

If you are looking for more information about Headless eCommerce - watch my video - What is Headless eCommerce?

Kirill Zhirnov
Kirill Zhirnov
#headless ecommerce